
166最新コンサイス英和辭典 = :Sanseido's new concise English-japanese dictionary /石川林四郎編三省堂,
167Worterbuch der padagogik /von Wilhelm HehlmannKroner,
168Webster's third new international dictionary of the English language, unabridged /editor in chief, Philip Babcock Gove and the Merriam-Webster editorial staffMerriam-Webster,9780877792017 : ; 9780877792024 (carrying case) ; 9780877792062 (imperial buckram)
169The moral judgment of the child /by Jean Piaget, translated by Marjorie GabainCollier Books,
170The Meaning of anxiety /Rollo MayRonald Press,
171The emotions : :facts, theories, and a new model /by Robert PlutchikRandom House,
172The development of education in the Twentieth Century /Adolph E. MeyerPrentice-Hall,
173The age of ideology : :the 19th century philosophers /selected, with introduction and intrepretive commentary by Henry D. AikenNew American Library,
174Synectics : :the development of creative capacity /by William J. J. GordonHarper,
175Science and human valuesHarper,
176Roget's international thesaurusCrowell,0690708904 ; 0690708912 (thumb indexed) ; 0690708920 (leather)
177Readings in moral education /edited by Peter Scharf ; [with an introd. by Lawrence Kohlberg]Winston Press,0030213460
178Psychoanalytic theories of personality /by Gerald S. BlumMcGraw-Hill,
179Personality : :a biosocial approach to origins and structureHarper,
180Meaning and knowledge : :systematic readings in epistemology /Ernest Nagel, Richard B. Brandt雙葉書店,