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61Critical analysis of school supervision in Taiwan /Li, Tsu ShouUMI,
62Chinesisch-Deutsches Worterbuch.Gram, de Gruyter,
63Cassell's new French-English dictionary /completely reversed by Denis Girard新陸書局,
64Books of Chianges /Samuel YangAdvanced technology and research,
65Auf dem Wege zur Weltversta?ndigung /UNESCOEuropa Verlag,
66An essay concerning human understanding.John LockeHenry regnery company,
67An approach to English literature : :for students abroad.H. B. DrakeOxford University Press,
68A psychological view on ethics and morality /Fu-ming Chia[s.n],
69World biographical hall of fame,Historical preservations of America,
70Westermanns workercich Deutsch-English : :Fur schule und lebenGeorg Westerman N Verlag,
71Treatise on basic philosophy v.8 : :ethics : the good and the right /Mario BungeD. Reidel publishing company,9027728399
72The experience of learning while employed : :a atudy of public organization employees in Taiwan /Yueh-Chin Azina Lin
73The development of human behavior /by Richard Dewey, W. J. Humberthe Macmillan company,
74Social psychology /by Theodore M. Newcombthe Dryden press,
75Schools for tomorrow : :An Educator's Blueprint /by Alexander J. StoddardFund for the Advancement of Education,