
所  別:音樂藝術研究所(音樂教育組術科筆試)

科  目:音樂教學理論與實務




1.              To teach sounds before signs and to make the child learn to sing before he learns the written notes or their names.

2.              To lead him to observe by hearing and imitating sounds, their resemblances and differences, their agreeable and disagreeable effect,instead of explaining these things to him—in a word, to make active instead of passive in learning;

3.              In making him practice each step of these divisions, until he is master of it, before passing to the next;

4.              In giving the principles and theory after the practice, and as induction from it;

5.                In having the names of the notes correspond to those used in instrumental music.


二、國民中小學九年一貫課程於九十學年度開始實施,就教科書實例評論第一階段之音樂教學內容,並與依據現行音樂課程標準 (八十二年公佈) 編輯之音樂教科書內容進行比較。25%




四、             名詞解釋:25%

(一)MENC         (二)多元評量

(三)分段能力指標  (四)統整課程    (五)B.Bloom