

所  別:英語教學系碩士班

科  目:英文作文與翻譯





I.  Translation (50%)


1.      There is a sense that somehow they have been deprived of the chance to become the sort of men they expected to be as they grew up.

2.      Loneliness is a feeling of being unconnected with other people, of wanting to be with someone who isn’t there, of having no one to turn to who can affirm one’s essential human qualities.

3.      你能暫時愚弄所有的人,也能長久愚弄某一些人,但你無法長久愚弄所有的人。

4.      下棋不能無爭,爭的範圍有大有小,有斤斤計較而因小失大者,有不拘小節而眼觀全局者。

5.      一幅好畫,要有適當的空白映襯表現的主題;一篇經典小說,也不宜盡訴,要留部份空白讓讀者想像。

6.      我之愛書,是若即若離,還不到成癖、如癡的程度。

7.      對於零到六歲的孩子,家庭是他/她接觸最早的社會結構,父母是孩子模仿的對象,並且會對孩子有深遠的影響。

8.      有效的閱讀並不是確實讀到每一個字,或認出每一個字。而是能在龐雜的字句中,選出最少但最主要的線索,在最短的時間內就猜出文意。

9.      有些報紙和新聞性的雜誌以高水準聞名,在寫作上遣詞用字非常考究。

10.  人性中永恆的渴求卻並未因時光的轉換而有改變。所有的人都需要被人尊重,要有歸屬感,希望獲得愛、自由與安定。


II.  Composition: read the following passage and state your responses to it in a well-organized essay of 250-300 words (50%)


“Cooperative learning is designed to encourage students to help and support their peers in a group rather than compete against them. This purpose assumes that the perceived value of academic achievement increases when students are all working toward the same goal. Cooperative groups emphasize the notion of pride in one’s “team” in much the same way that sports teams do.”