班 別:視覺藝術研究所視覺藝術教學碩士學位班

科 目:藝術理論

  • 注意:不必抄題,作答時請將試題題號及答案依照順序寫在答案卷上。(於本試題紙上作答者,不予計分)。
  1. 翻譯下文並對 psychoanalytic studies 提出批判。(25﹪)
  2. Many of today’s biographical studies can be called psychoanalytic studies. Such writings follow in the tradition of Sigmund Freud’s Leonardo da Vinci: A Psychosexual Study of Infantile Reminiscence (1910), which seeks to reconstruct Leonardo’s biography and psychic development by drawing on certain documents and, especially, by analyzing one of Leonardo’s memories (for Freud, a fantasy) of an experience while he was an infant. Thus, it seems that Leonardo had two “mothers,” a biological mother (a peasant woman) and a stepmother (the woman who was Leonardo’s father’s wife). In accord with this information, Freud sees in The Madonna, Child, and St. Anne Leonardo’s representation of himself as the Christ Child, the peasant woman as St. Anne, and the stepmother as the Madonna. St. Anne’s expression, in Freud’s analysis, is both envious (of the stepmother) and joyful (because she is with the child whom she bore).

  3. 論述朱光潛與李澤厚之美學論爭。(25﹪)
  4. 請敘述版畫的特性、教育價值、分類方式、與國小各年級版畫教學內涵;並舉出目前國小版畫教學之困境、展望、與心得。(25﹪)
  5. 美術鑑賞教學的內涵為何?並提出美術鑑賞在當今學校及美術館教育價值之我見。(25﹪)