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1Theory and methods of scaling.Warren S. TorgersonJ. Wiley,
2The value of life /John HarrisRoutledge & Kegan Paul,071020437X (pbk.) ; 0710098952
3The selected papers of Wolfgang Kohler /edited by Mary HenleLiveright,0871400251 (pbk.)
4The republic and the school : :Horace Mann on the education of free men /Edited by Lawrence A. CreminTeachers College, Columbia University,080771206X (pbk.)
5The psychology the child /Jean Piaget, Barbel InhelderBasic Books, Inc,0465095003 (pbk) :
6The philosophy of education : :major themes in the analytic tradition /edited by Paul H. Hirst and Patricia WhiteRoutledge,0415129443 (set) ; 0415129451 (v. 1) ; 041512946X (v. 2) ; 0415129478 (v. 3) ; 0415129486 (v. 4)
7The phenomenology of mind /G. W. F. Hegel ; translated by J. B. Baillie ; introduction to the Torchbook edition by George LichtheimHarper Torchbook,0061313033 (pbk)
8The hermeneutic imagination : :outline of a positive critique of scientism and sociology /Josef BleicherRoutledge & K. Paul,0710092571 (pbk.) ; 0710092563
9The Chinese classics : :with a translation, critical and exegetical notes, prolegomena, and copious indexes /by James LeggeSouthern Materials Center(南天),
10Review of educational researchAmerican Educational Research Association,
11Psychological statistics /Quinn, McNemarJohn Wiley & Sons,
12principles of psychological measurement /G. C. HelmstadterAppleton-Century-Crofts,
13Motivation and personality /Abraham H. MaslowHarper & Row,
14international encyclopedia of the social sciences虹橋書店,
15Harvard educational reviewHarvard University,
16Educational sociology /by Daniel H. Kulp, IILongmans, Green and co,
17Design and analysis of experiments in psychology and education /E. F. LindquistHoughton Mifflin,
18Dangerous thoughts /Lancelot HogbenW. W. Norton,
19Daivd copperfield /Charles DickensPenguin Books,0140620265 (pbk)
20Culture and commitment : :a study of the generation gap /Margaret Mead皇家圖書,
21Animus and Anima /by Emma JungSpring publications,0882143018 (pbk.)
22An elementary introduction to the theory of probability /B. V. Gnedenko and A. YA. Khinchin ; tr. by W. R. Stahl ; ed. by J. B. Robertss.n,
23American educational research journalAmerican Educational Research Association,
24All creatures great and small /James HerriotSt Martins Pr,0312965788
25Actual minds, possible worlds /Jerome BrunerHarvard University Press,0674003659 (alk. paper) ; 0674003667 :
26A theory of education /by Joseph D. Novak ; with a foreword by Ralph W. TylerCornell University Press,0801411041 (pbk.)
27A Christmas carol /Charles DickensOxford University press0195852583 (pbk)
28Words : :the new dictionaryGrosset & Dunlap,
29Was ist phanomenologie /Adolf ReinachImkosel-Verlag Zumunchen,
30Theodor Litt /Albert RebleVerlag Von Renst Klett,
31The Random House dictionary of the English languageRandom House,
32The principles of human knowledge and three dialogues between hylas and philonous /George Berkeleythe World Publishing Company,
33The lonely crowd : :a study of the changing American character /David RiesmanDoubleday & Company, INC,
34The images of man.Bernard G. RosenthalBasic Books, Inc,
35The Holmes reader : :the life, writings, speeches, constitutional decisions, etc /selected and edited by Julius J. MarkeOceana,
36The great didactic : :the whole art of teaching all things to all men
37The formative years /Dorothy A. Dixon, ph. DTwenty-Third Publications,
38the developmental psychology of Jean Piaget /John H. FlavellD. Van Nostrand company,
39The count of monte cristo /Alexandre DumasJ. M. Dent & Sons Ltd,
40The basic writings of C. G. Jung敦煌書局,
41System der padagogik /Joseph GottlerImkosel-Verlag,
42Review of English grammar for college students.NTU
43Personality /R. G. GordonHarcourt, Brace & Company,
44Kritik der reinen vernunft /Immanuel KantVerlag don philipp reclam jun,
45Jean Jacques Rousseau : :the social contractHenry Regnery,
46Identity : :Youth and Crisis /Erik H. EriksonW. W. Norton,
47History of psychology : :a source book in systematic psychologyF. E. Peacock publishers,
48Heidi /Johanna SpyriHolt, Rinehart and Winston,
49Hauptdaten der Weltgeschochte /Karl PloetzA. G. Ploetz,
50From the declaration of independence to the constitution : :the roots of American constitutionalismThe Liberal Arts Press,
51Freud : dictionary of psychoanalysisPhilosophical library,
52Freud : :an introduction to his life and work /J. N. IsbisterPolity press,9780745600147 (pbk.)
53English pronouncing dictionaryof proper names文景書局,
54Einleitung in die philosophie /AnmerkungenSchpenhauer,
55Die Probleme der Geschichtsphilosophie /von Georg SimmelMunchen und Leipzig,
56Der Verrat im 20.Jahrhundert 1 : :Fur und gegen die Nation /Margret Boverirde,
57David Copperfield /Charles dickensLandoll,1569873992 (pbk.)
58Das problem des menschen /Martin BuberVerlag lambert schneider,
59Current concepts of positive mental health /Marie JahodaBasic Books,
60Culture : :a critical review of concepts and definitions /A. L. Kroeber and Clyde Kluckhohn
61Critical analysis of school supervision in Taiwan /Li, Tsu ShouUMI,
62Chinesisch-Deutsches Worterbuch.Gram, de Gruyter,
63Cassell's new French-English dictionary /completely reversed by Denis Girard新陸書局,
64Books of Chianges /Samuel YangAdvanced technology and research,
65Auf dem Wege zur Weltversta?ndigung /UNESCOEuropa Verlag,
66An essay concerning human understanding.John LockeHenry regnery company,
67An approach to English literature : :for students abroad.H. B. DrakeOxford University Press,
68A psychological view on ethics and morality /Fu-ming Chia[s.n],
69World biographical hall of fame,Historical preservations of America,
70Westermanns workercich Deutsch-English : :Fur schule und lebenGeorg Westerman N Verlag,
71Treatise on basic philosophy v.8 : :ethics : the good and the right /Mario BungeD. Reidel publishing company,9027728399
72The experience of learning while employed : :a atudy of public organization employees in Taiwan /Yueh-Chin Azina Lin
73The development of human behavior /by Richard Dewey, W. J. Humberthe Macmillan company,
74Social psychology /by Theodore M. Newcombthe Dryden press,
75Schools for tomorrow : :An Educator's Blueprint /by Alexander J. StoddardFund for the Advancement of Education,
76Reconstruction in philosophy /By John Deweythe Beacon press,
77Psychology and personal growthAllyn and Bacon, Inc,0205068227 (pbk.)
78Psychological development : :a life-span approachHarper & Row,0060446927
79Personality : :a psychological interpretation /Gordon W. AllportHenry Holt and company,
80Patterns of psychological thought : :readings in historical and contemporary texts /James R. AverillHalsted press book,047015070X
81Motivation and personality /Abraham H. MaslowHapper & Row,
82Logic : :techniques of formal reasoning /Donald Kalish ; Richard MontagueHarcourt, Brace & World, Inc,
83Langenscheidts grobes schulworterbuch Deutsh-Englisch.Sonia BroughLangenscheidt,3468071299
84John Dewey in experience, nature, and freedom /John DeweyThe Liberal Arts Press,
85Introduction to psychology /Ernest R. HilgardHarcourt, Brace & World, Inc,
86International who's who of intellectualsInternational Biographical Centre,0948875305
87Intellectual developmentJohn Willy & Sons, Inc,0471769754
88Instroduction to psychological research /William A. Scott ; Michael WertheimerJohn Wiley & Sons, Inc,
89Great books of the western world /Robert Maynard Hutchins, editor in chiefEncyclopaedia Britannica,0852291639 (set.)
90From the center of the earth : :the search for the truth about China /Richard BernsteinLittle, Brown and company,0316091944
91Existentialist Philosophies : :An introduction /by Emmanuel MounierRockliff,
92Encyclopedia of psychology玄彬出版社
93Educational psychology : :briefer course /by Edward L. ThorndikeColumbia University,
94Descartes : selections /edited by Ralph M. EatonCharles Scribner's Sons,
95Das Deutsche wort.Richard PekrunKeysersche Verlagsbuchhandlung,
96Complete Essays of Francis Bacon = :培根論文集s. n.],
97Brockhaus illustrated German-English . English-German dictionary.中央圖書出版社,
98An introduction to social psychologyUniversity paperbacks,
99Allgemeine padagogik /Wilhelm FlitnerStuttgart Ernst Klett Verlag
100A source book for creative thinkingCharles Scribner's Sons,
101A Brief History of the China Education Societys.n.],
102Yellowstone National Park : :and surrounding areasYellowstone Post Card Co,
103Wonders of nature /the authors, Herbert W. Franke ... [et al.] ; edited by Claus Jprgen Frank ; with 231 color plates by the world's best photographers, the photographers, Florian Adler ... [et al.]Macmillan,002619550X ; 9780026195508
104Truth and method /[by] Hans-Georg Gadamer ; [translated from the German ; translation edited by Garrett Barden and John Cumming]Sheed & Ward,
105This is my philosophy : :twenty of the world's outstanding thinkers reveal the deepest meanings they have found in life /edited by Whit BurnettCitadel Press,
106The psychology of thinking /Robert ThomosPenguin Books,
107The psychology of self-esteem : :a new concept of man's psychological nature /Nathaniel BrandenNash Pub. Corp,
108The language and thought of the child /by Jean Piaget ;translated by Marjorie Gabain; pref. by E. ClaparedeMeridian Books,
109The encyclopedia of human behavior : :psychology, psychiatry, and mental health /[by] Robert M. GoldensonDoubleday,
110The Emile of Jean Jacques Rousseau : :selections /translated and edited by William BoydTeachers college, Columbia university,
111September 11 : :a testimony /ReutersPearson Education ; Prentice Hall PTR,0130449741 ; 9780130449740
112Presenting Australia's koala /[photography, Alan Stephens ; written by Sue Hughes]Nucolorvue Productions,0858581205 (pbk.) ; 9780858581203 (pbk.)
113Philosophy of education /James E. McClellanPrentice-Hall,0136632947 (pbk.)
114Philosophies of education /sketches of some contemporary viewpoints on education based on a series of educational television programs produced by KTCA-TV (Minneapolis-St. Paul) for the National Educational Television and Radio CenterWiley,
115Man for himself : :an inquiry into the psychology of ethics /by Erich FrommRinehart,
116Learning theory and behaviorWiley,
117Grand Teton National ParkDistributed by Great Mountain West Supply,0938440101 ; 9780938440109
118Foundations for American educationWorld Book Co,
119Ffestiniog Railway traveller's guide /design, Eddie Poulton ; editor, Gwen RigbyFestiniog Railway Co,
120Effects of college student moodiness on activities and interpersonal adjustment /Fu-Ming ChiaUniversity of California, Los Angeles,
121Discovering Australia's wildlife /Steve ParishSteve Parish Wildlife Press,094726308X (pbk.) ; 9780947263089 (pbk.)
122Democracy and education : :an introduction to the philosophy of education /John DeweyMacmillan,
123Culture and personality /Anthony F. C. WallaceRandom House,
124CatsAcropolis ; [Distributed by Bookmark],1873762232 ; 9781873762233
125Carl Rogers on encounter groups /by Carl R. RogersHarper & Row,
126Beyond the pleasure principle /Sigmund Freud ; translated by James Strachey ; introduction by Gregory ZilboorgBantam books,
127An introduction to modern philosophy in seven philosophical problems /by Alburey CastellMacmillan Co,
128An analysis of knowledge and valuation /Clarence Irving LewisOpen Court,
129American thought : :a critical sketch /Morris Raphael Cohen ; edited and with a foreword by Felix S. CohenCollier Books,
130A study of thinking /by Jerome S. Bruner, Jacqueline J. Goodnow and George A. Austin; with an appendix by Roger W. BrownScience Editions : 1962
131A history of philosophy /by Frederick CoplestonThe Newman press,
132A history of philosophy /by Frederick CoplestonSearch Press,
133A Dictionary of psychology /Drever, James
13430 days to a more powerful vocabulary /Wilfred Funk & Norman LewisPocket Books,
135Wisdom and Destiny /by Maurice Maeterlinck ; translated by Alfred SutroDodd,Mead and Co,
136Towards more creative science : :new college conference June 1966 /[edited by] Donald HutchingsPergamon Press,
137Theories of personality /Calvin S. Hall ; Gardner LindzeyJohn Wiley & Sons, Inc,
138Theories of learning /[by] Ernest R. HilgardAppleton-Century-Crofts,
139Theories of learning /[by] Ernest R. HilgardAppleton-Century-Crofts,
140The undiscovered self /C.G. Jung ; translated from the German by R.F.C. HullThe New American Library,
141The spirit in man, art, and literature /C. G. JungPrinceton University Press,9780691097732 ; 0691017751 (pbk.)
142The scientific analysis of personality /Raymond B. CattellPenguin Books,
143The individual psychology of Alfred Adler : :a systematic presentation in selections from his writings /edited and annotated by Heinz L. Ansbacher and Rowena R. AnsbacherHarperPerennial,
144The Fontana dictionary of modern thought /edited by Alan Bullock and Oliver StallybrassFontana,9780006861294 (pbk.)
145The encyclopedia of philosophy /editor in chief, Paul EdwardsMacmillan : 虹橋書店,
146The chief works of Benedict De Spinoza : :on the improvement of the understanding,the ethics,correspondence /translated from the Latin with an introduction, by R. H. M. Elwes雙葉書店發行,
147Techniques of guidanceHarper,
148Review of research in education.Fred N. Kerlinger, editorPeacock,
149Review of research in education.the American Educational Research Association,0935302166
150Psychopathology of everyday life /authorized English ed. with introd, by A.A. BrillNew American Library,
151Neurosis and human growth : :the struggle toward selfrealization /Karen HorneyNorton,
152Man in the modern age /by K. Jaspers ; translated by Eden and Cedar PaulDoubleday,
153Libraries in adult and fundamental education : :the report of the Malmo Seminar /by Cyril O. Houle, incorporating reports prepared by Yvonne Oddon, Lachlan F. MacRae and othersUnited Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization,
154Kant selections /edited by Theodore Meyer GreeneCharles Scribner's Sons,
155Introduction to American education : :a college course guide /S. E. FrostDoubleday,
156History of vocational guidance /[by] John M. Brewer[s.n.],
157Handbook of American idioms and idiomatic usage /by Harold C. Whitford and Robert J. DixsonRegents Pub. Co,
158Freud : his dream and sex theories /by Joseph JastrowPermabooks,
159Existential psychology /edited by Rollo MayRandom House,
160Encyclopedia of the Renaissance /Paul F. Grendler, editor in chiefScribner's,0684805146 (set : alk. paper) ; 9780684805146 (set : alk. paper) ; 0684805081 (v. 1 : alk. paper) ; 9780684805085 (v. 1 : alk. paper) ; 068480509X (v. 2 : alk. paper) ; 9780684805092 (v. 2 : alk. paper) ; 0684805103 (v. 3 : alk. paper) ; 9780684805108 (v. 3 : alk. paper) ; 0684805111 (v. 4 : alk. paper) ; 9780684805115 (v. 4 : alk. paper) ; 068480512X (v. 5 : alk. paper) ; 9780684805122 (v. 5 : alk. paper) ; 0684805138 (v. 6 : alk. paper) ; 9780684805139 (v. 6 : alk. paper)
161Education and the good lifeTwo Leave,
162Biography international.K.L. GuptaSouth-Asia Pub,
163Authority and the individual /by Bertrand RussellBeacon Press,
164Adult education activities for public libraries /by Carl Thomsen, Edward Sydney [and] Miriam D. TompkinsUNESCO,
165A Treatise of human nature : :being an attempt to introduce the experimental method of reasoning into moral subjects /by David HumeDoubleday & Co,
166最新コンサイス英和辭典 = :Sanseido's new concise English-japanese dictionary /石川林四郎編三省堂,
167Worterbuch der padagogik /von Wilhelm HehlmannKroner,
168Webster's third new international dictionary of the English language, unabridged /editor in chief, Philip Babcock Gove and the Merriam-Webster editorial staffMerriam-Webster,9780877792017 : ; 9780877792024 (carrying case) ; 9780877792062 (imperial buckram)
169The moral judgment of the child /by Jean Piaget, translated by Marjorie GabainCollier Books,
170The Meaning of anxiety /Rollo MayRonald Press,
171The emotions : :facts, theories, and a new model /by Robert PlutchikRandom House,
172The development of education in the Twentieth Century /Adolph E. MeyerPrentice-Hall,
173The age of ideology : :the 19th century philosophers /selected, with introduction and intrepretive commentary by Henry D. AikenNew American Library,
174Synectics : :the development of creative capacity /by William J. J. GordonHarper,
175Science and human valuesHarper,
176Roget's international thesaurusCrowell,0690708904 ; 0690708912 (thumb indexed) ; 0690708920 (leather)
177Readings in moral education /edited by Peter Scharf ; [with an introd. by Lawrence Kohlberg]Winston Press,0030213460
178Psychoanalytic theories of personality /by Gerald S. BlumMcGraw-Hill,
179Personality : :a biosocial approach to origins and structureHarper,
180Meaning and knowledge : :systematic readings in epistemology /Ernest Nagel, Richard B. Brandt雙葉書店,
181Humanistic education, visions and realities /edited by Richard H. WellerPhi Delta Kappa] : distributed by McCutchan Pub. Corp,0821122568
182Human knowledge /Bertrand Russell ; John G. SlaterbyRoutledge,
183Grundriss der Erziehungswissenschaft : :funf vortrage /von Ernst KrieckQuelle & Meyer,
184Foundations of Behavioral Research /Fred N. KerlingerNew York University,
185Encyclopedia of educational research : :a project of the American Educational Research Association /Robert L. Ebel, editor; Victor H. Noll, associate editor; Roger M. Bauer, editorial assistantMacmillan,
186El Greco /text by John F. MatthewsHarry N. Abrams,
187Education : :intellectual, moral, and physical /by Herbert SpencerD. Appleton and Co,
188Education : :intellectual, moral, and physical /by Herbert SpencerThe Humboldt Pub,
189Dorland's Illustrated medical dictionarySaunders,0721631517 (indexed) ; 0721631509
190DAEDALUS : :Journal of the American Academy of Arts and SciencesAmerican Academy of Arts and Sciences,
191Contemporary theories of learning : :with applications to education and psychology /by Louis P. Thorpe and Allen M. SchmullerRonald Press Co,
192Contemporary educational psychology : :selected readings /edited by Richard M. JonesHarper & Row,
193Changing education : :alternatives from educational research /Edited by M. C. Wittrock for the American Educational Research Association. Contributors: Richard C. Atkinson [and others]Prentice-Hall,0131282565
194Beginning German : :a practical approach ; level I /Terrence L. Hansen, Ernest J. Wilkins, J. Barry Nielsen狀元出版社,
195An educational history of the American people /Adolphe E. MeyerMcGraw-Hill,
196Webster's New World dictionary of the American languageThe World Publishing Co,
197Understanding educational research : :an introduction /[by] Deobold B. Van Dalen ; with two chapters Willaim J. Meyer文景,
198The way things are /P. W. BridgmanThe Viking Press,
199The Random House dictionary /Jess M. SteinBallantine Books,0345277236 (pb)
200The new dictionary of psychologyPhilosophical Library,
201The handbook of social psychologyed. by Gardner Lindzey and Elliot AronsonAddison-Wesley publishing company,0201042630 (vol.2) ; 9780201042634 (vol.2) ; 0201042622 (vol.1) ; 9780201042627 (vol.1) ; 0201042657 (vol.4) ; 9780201042658 (vol.4) ; 0201042649 (vol.3) ; 9780201042641 (vol.3)
202The Greek experience /by C.M. BowraNew American Library,
203The evolution of educational thought : :lectures on the formation and development of secondary education in France /Emile Durkheim ; translated by Peter CollinsRoutledge & Kegan Paul,0710084463 (hbk.) ; 0710205473 (pbk.)
204The concise Oxford dictionary of current English /adapted by H. W. Fowler and F. G. Fowler from the Oxford dictionaryOxford University press,
205The ABC of relativity /Bertrand Russell ; edited by Felix Pirani新月,
206Social development and personality /edited by George G. Thompson ; with the collaboration of Francis J. Di Vesta and John E. HorrocksJohn Wiley & Sons,0471860050 (hbk.)
207Signs, language, and behavior /Charles MorrisG. Braziller,
208Science and human behavior /Burrhus Frederic SkinnerFree Press,
209Science and civilization /Annotated by H. NabaraKairyudo,
210Schaum's outline of German grammar /by Elke GschossmannMcGraw-Hill,0070250901 (pbk.)
211Review of research in education.Lee S. Shulman, editor ; assistant editors Robert J. Griffore, Susan Mowry ; contributors James H. Block ... [et al.]Peacock0875812147 ; 9780875812144
212Reader's digest use the right word : :modern guide to synonyms and related words, lists of antonyms, copious cross-references, a complete and legible index /[by] the editors of the Reader's digest and the Funk & Wagnalls dictionary staffReader's Digest Association,
213Pragmatism and American culture /edited with an introdcution by Gail KennedyD. C. Heath,
214Practical English usage /Michael SwanOxford University Press,019431197X (pbk.) ; 0194311988
215On creativity and the unconscious : :papers on the psychology of art, literature, love, religion /by Sigmund Freud ; selected with introduction and annotations by Benjamin NelsonHarper & Brothers,
216Measurement and evaluation in education /by James M. Bradfifld,H. Stewart MoredockThe Macmillan Co,
217Judge tenderly of me : :poems /Selected and with an afterword by Winfield Townley Scott. Illustrated by Bill GreerHallmark Editions,
218Father and son : :a study of two temperaments /by Edmund GosseW. Heinemann,
219Escape from freedom /by Erich FrommFarrar & Rinehart, Inc,
220Encyclopedia of psychology /Raymond J. Corsini, editor ; consulting editors, Anne Anastasi ... [et al.] ; associate editors, Mary Allen ... [et al.] ; foreign editors, Ruben Ardila ... [et al.] ; biography editors, Robert Lundin ; foreign editors, Neal Pinckney ; managing editor, Kristine AltwiesWiley,0471558192 (hard : set : alk. paper) ; 9780471558194 (hard : set : alk. paper)
221Educational measurement /edited by E. F. Lindquist;with chapters by Gordon V. Anderson [et al.]American Council on Education,
222Dictionary of philosophy and psychology, including many of the principal conceptions of ethics, logic, aesthetics, philosophy of religion, mental pathology, anthropology, biology, neurology, physiology, economics, political and social philosophy, philology, physical science, and education, and giving a terminology in English, French, German, and Italian /written by many hands and edited by James Mark Baldwin ... with the co-operation and assistance of an international board of consulting editors ... with ... extensive bibliographiesThe Macmillan,
223Becoming : :basic considerations for a psychology of personality /by Gordon Willard AllportYale University Press,
224A short history of existentialism /by Jean Wahl ; tr. from the French by Forrest Williams and Stanley MaronPhilosophical Library,
225A history of philosophy /by Frederick CoplestonThe Newman press,
226A charm of words : :essays and papers on languageMacmillan,0836927079
227Toward a psychology of being /Abraham H. MaslowD. Van Nostrand,
228The transparent self : :self-disclosure and well-being /[by] Sidney M. JourardVan Nostrand Reinhold,
229The Taoist body /Kristofer Schipper ; translated by Karen C. Duval ; foreword by Norman GirardotSMC Publishing Inc,9576382564 (alk. paper)
230The study of behavior : :Q-technique and its methodology /by William StephensonUniv. of Chicago Press,
231The return of Sherlock Holmes /Sir Arthur Conan DoylePenguin Books,0140057080 ; 9780140057089
232The origins of intelligence in children /Jean Piaget ; translated by Margaret CookW.W.Norton & company INC,0823682072 (pbk.)
233The Lord God made them all /James HerriotSt. Martin's Paperbacks,0312966202 (pbk.) : ; 9780312966201 (pbk.) :
234The Greek philosophers /Rex WarnerNew American Library,
235The experimental study of personality /Douglas P. CrowneLawrence Erlbaum Associates : distributed by the Halsted Press,0470266643
236Robinson Crusoe /Daniel DefoePenguin,014062015X (pbk) ; 9780140620153 (pbk)
237Process and reality : :an essay in cosmology /Alfred North WhiteheadRainbow Bridge,
238Principles of education : :a study of Aristotelian Thomism contrasted with other philosophies /Mary Michael SpanglerUniversity Press of America,0819130168 (pbk.) ; 081913015X ( cloth.)
239Plato : :the Republic /translated by H. D. P. LeePenguin Books,
240Outlines of the History of Greek Philosophy /by Eduard ZellerA Meridian Book,
241On becoming a person : :a therapist's view of psychotherapy /Carl R. RogersHoughton Mifflin,
242Natur und NaturwissenschaftNankodo,
243Marriage and morals /by Bertrand Russells.n.],
244Judgment and reasoning in the child /In collaboration with E. Cartalis [and others] Translated by Marjorie WardenLittlefield, Adams,
245Handbook of measurement and assessment in behavioral sciences /edited by Dean K. WhitlaAddison-Wesley Pub. Co,
246Great expectationsPenguin,0140620168 ; 9780140620160
247Geschichte der Philosophie im Ultertum und mittelalter /August MesserQuelle & Meyer,
248Geschichte der Philosophie im 19. JahrhundertQuelle & Meyer
249Geschichte der philosophie /August MesserQuelle u. Meyer,
250Explorations in personality : :a clinical and experimental study of fifty men of college age /by the workers at the Harvard psychological clinicScience Editions,
251Explanation and understanding /by Georg Henrik von WrightRoutledge and K. Paul,0710072198
252Every living thing /James HerriotSt. Martin's Paperbacks,0312950586 (pbk.) : ; 9780312950583 (pbk.)
253Different seasons /Stephen KingNew American Library,0451167538 (pbk.) ; 9780451167538 (pbk.)
254Die philosophie der gegenwart /August MesserQuelle u. Meyer,
255All things bright and beautiful /James HerriotSt. Martin's Griffin,0312966199 (hc) ; 9780312966195 (hc) ; 0312330863 (pbk.) ; 9780312330866 (pbk.) ; 0312020309 ; 9780312020309
256A tale of two cities /edited with an introduction by George Woodcock; and illustrations by Hablot L. [i.e. K.] Browne (Phiz')Penguin,0140430547 (pbk.) ; 9780140430547 (pbk.)
257A study of history /by Arnold Toynbee ; abridgement by D. C. Somervell馬陵發行,
258Wjrterbuch der BerufeA. Krjner,
259Why I am not a Christian : :and other essays on religion and related subjects /Edited, with an appendix on the "Bertrand Russell case," by Paul EdwardsG. Allen & Unwin,
260The world of thought in ancient China /Benjamin I. SchwartzBelknap Press of Harvard University Press,0674961900 (alk. paper) ; 0674961919 (pbk.)
261The Problem of China = :中國問題 /by Bertrand RussellAllen & Unwin ; Rainbow-Bridge,
262The power of positive thinking /Norman Vincent PealePrentice-Hall,
263The philosophy of William James : :selected from his chief works /with an introduction by Horace M. KallenThe Modern library,
264The idea of a social science and its relation to philosophy /by Peter WinchRoutledge & Kegan Paul ; Humanities Press,0710068042 (pbk.) ; 0710038356
265The decline of the West /Oswald Spengler ; an abridged ed. by Helmut Werner ; English abridged ed. prepared by Arthur Helps ;from the translation by Charles Francis AtkinsonKnopf,
266The art of teaching /Gilbert HighetVintage Books,
267The Aeneid of virgil /translated by John DrydenMacmillan and co,
268Psychotherapy and existentialism : :selected papers on logotherapy /by Viktor E. Frankl, with contributions by James C. Crumbaugh, Hans O. Gerz [and] Leonard T. MaholickSimon and Schuster,
269Psychometric theory /[by] Jum C. NunnallyMcGraw-Hill,
270Plutarch : :lives of the noble Greeks /Plutarch ; a selection edited by Edmund FullerDell,
271Out of Africa /Karen BlixenPenguin Books,0140180419 (pbk.) ; 9780140180411 (pbk.)
272Man and the universe : :the philosophers of science /edited by Saxe Commins & Robert N. LinscottPocket Books,
273Man and spirit : :the speculative philosophers /edited by Saxe Commins and Robert N. LinscottPocket library,
274Man and man : :the social philosophers /edited by Saxe Commins & Robert N. LinscottModern Pocket Library,
275L.A. confidential /James EllroyWarner Books,0446674249 (pbk.) ; 9780446674249 (pbk.)
276John Dewey: philosopher of science and freedom : :a symposiumDial Press,
277Jane Eyre : :authoritative text, backgrounds, criticism /Charlotte Bront` ; edited by Richard J. DunnNorton,0393955893 (pbk.) ; 9780393955897 (pbk.)
278International Biographical Association directoryInternational Biographical Association,
279Culture and commitment : :a study of the generation gap /by Margaret Mead ; adapted by Deborah A. HolmesFawcett,
280Contemporary schools of psychology /by Robert S. WoodworthRonald Press,
281Code of conduct : :a novelScribner,
282Character and culture /Sigmund FreudCollier,
283Carl Gustav Jung /Frank McLynnBlack Swan,0552995622 ; 9780552995627
284Bekenntnisse und Gottesstaat /Augustinus ; sein Werk ausgewWhlt von Joseph BernhartA. Krjner,
285Anatomy of the human body /Henry GrayLea & Febiger,
286Allgemeine methodik des studiums /von Oskar Kutzner ; mit AbbildungenCarl Winter,
287All things wise and wonderful /James HerriotSt. Martin's Press,0312966555 (pbk.) : ; 9780312966553 (pbk.)
288Abnormal psychology and modern life /James C. ColemanScott, Foresman,
289A brief history of time : :from the big bang to black holes /Stephen W. Hawking ; introduction by Carl Sagan ; illustrations by Ron MillerBantam,0593015185 ; 9780593015186
290Three Chinese Thinkers /K. J. SpaldingThe National Central Library,
291The World of history : :edited for the Society of American historians, Inc /by Courtlandt Canby & Nancy E. Gross ; Advisory editors, Crane Brinton, Alfred Kazin, John D. Hicks ; with an introduction by Allan NevinsNew American Library,
292The Wilson reader /Selected and edited by Frances FarmerOceana Publications,
293The teaching of the compassionate Buddha /edited, with introduction and notes by E.A. BurttNew American Library,
294The sane society /Erich Fromm敦煌書局發行,
295The psychology and education of gifted children /Philip E. Vernon, Georgina Adamson, and Dorothy F. VernonWestview Press,0891587284
296The prince /Niccolj Machiavelli ; introduction by Christian GaussNew American Library,
297The nature of the non-Western WorldNew American Library,
298The life and selected writings of Thomas Jefferson /edited, and with an introduction by Adrienne Koch & William PedenThe Modern library,
299The Confucian odes of Ezra Pound : :a critical appraisalUniversity of California Press,
300The confessions of St. Augustine /a new translation by Rex WarnerNew American Library,