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136Towards more creative science : :new college conference June 1966 /[edited by] Donald HutchingsPergamon Press,
137Theories of personality /Calvin S. Hall ; Gardner LindzeyJohn Wiley & Sons, Inc,
138Theories of learning /[by] Ernest R. HilgardAppleton-Century-Crofts,
139Theories of learning /[by] Ernest R. HilgardAppleton-Century-Crofts,
140The undiscovered self /C.G. Jung ; translated from the German by R.F.C. HullThe New American Library,
141The spirit in man, art, and literature /C. G. JungPrinceton University Press,9780691097732 ; 0691017751 (pbk.)
142The scientific analysis of personality /Raymond B. CattellPenguin Books,
143The individual psychology of Alfred Adler : :a systematic presentation in selections from his writings /edited and annotated by Heinz L. Ansbacher and Rowena R. AnsbacherHarperPerennial,
144The Fontana dictionary of modern thought /edited by Alan Bullock and Oliver StallybrassFontana,9780006861294 (pbk.)
145The encyclopedia of philosophy /editor in chief, Paul EdwardsMacmillan : 虹橋書店,
146The chief works of Benedict De Spinoza : :on the improvement of the understanding,the ethics,correspondence /translated from the Latin with an introduction, by R. H. M. Elwes雙葉書店發行,
147Techniques of guidanceHarper,
148Review of research in education.Fred N. Kerlinger, editorPeacock,
149Review of research in education.the American Educational Research Association,0935302166
150Psychopathology of everyday life /authorized English ed. with introd, by A.A. BrillNew American Library,