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Special Collections of Dr. Chia, Fu-Ming

Special Collections of Dr. Chia, Fu-Ming
271韓非子集解 /(清)王先慎撰世界,
272陶淵明集 /逯欽立校注里仁,
273遠東英漢字典 = :Far east English-Chinese dictionary /梁實秋編遠東,
274诗词学步 /黃濟著北京師範大學出版社,7303017224 ((平裝)) :
275論衡 /(漢)王充撰世界,
276荀子集解 /(清)王先謙集解世界,
277考銓詞彙 = :Terminologies on Examinations and Personnel Administration /考試院考銓詞彙編輯小組考試院,9570272325 ((精裝))
278老子釋譯 /[朱謙之撰]里仁書局,
279老子 = :The Sayings of Lao Tzu /a new translation of the Tao Te Ching by R. B. Blakney and Lin Yu-tang ; 時超校編文致出版,
280秦漢教育論著選 /熊承滌主编人民教育出版社,7107101153 (平裝) : ; 7107101161 ((精裝)) :
281福音 /吳經熊譯述公教真理學會,
282白居易集 /白居易撰里仁,
283潛夫論箋 /(漢)王符撰 ; (清)汪繼培箋注世界,
284漢魏六朝文 /臧勵龢選註河洛,
285樵歌 三卷 /(宋)朱敦儒撰河洛,